Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Been A Long Time

I know I's been awhile! I do admit to the most common blog "no-no"...I haven't kept up with this at, I'm back!

Inspired by my children starting their own blog, I thought that I should update mine. Since I've last posted, we've watched the summer attempt to blow in, although what we mostly got was rain and a hint of warmth. It was an unseasonable cool summer, making my motivation to do summery types of activities quite minimal.

But, we did manage a long road trip to Disney World with the kids for a week. And, on the way back I braved the car ride with three children by myself. It was easy, and it will likely always be easy with the three kiddos that we have. They are simply amazing. Honestly, I think that one of the best parts of the trip was our brief stay in Virginia Beach. Watching the kids play for a while in the ocean was like bringing my childhood back. All of the memories of jumping in the waves along the coast flooded back through my mind. It was the best feeling to watch them play.

More recently we've enjoyed some time at camp, seeing friends from distant places, and starting back up at school. Everything is changing in our house. Colin is now double digits, Emma is in first grade, and Caden is attempting to walk. The months have changed us all. I look forward to watching the season of winter fly by (not my favorite season by any means). We'll help speed along the process by spending some time in Florida for Christmas (and I am very much looking forward to the warmth).

So, now...morning is here - it looks like another beautiful day. We'll have to get outside and enjoy this weather while it's here (before the winter winds start coming).