Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sunny Days ... are here again!

Yeah!  It was so beautiful today that I didn't care about getting up at 6:00 to go to the gym - it felt like mid-day:)  The gym felt great!  I am beginning to explore some of the free weights a bit more, and weights that are on pulleys.  This definitely highlights my lack of muscle power!  But, the elliptical for 35 min, and the treadmill for another 30 burned me over 400 calories! 

At home, we had fun with the make-shift slip and slide, reading, and just playing around in the water. 

We finished off the day by taking care of things around the house - but, a breakthrough!  Colin made us carrot cupcakes! Yum:)  I can't wait to taste them - the batter and the frosting tastes lovely.  I was so impressed that he actually cut the carrots himself, with a sharp knife!  He's growing up:)

Possibly doing Jillian Michaels workout tonight. Fun.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Great First Day of Vacation!

Oh, finally - some motivation has kicked in!  I had a wonderful workout at the gym this morning, bright and early.  Had a great breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and also worked my tail off painting!  My friend just told me that an hour of that hard labor was worth over 200 calories!  I worked for about 2 hours...and am off for more:)  I'm hoping that this kick will last me awhile.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Falling Off...and getting back on again

I'm not sure why this time of year is so difficult for me.  Perhaps it's the classroom parties, the fields of fresh fruit (which of course signify delicious desserts), or just the feeling that I need to get my eating in before the summer hits.  The summer, to me, is kind of like the New Year's Resolution.  It's time for a fresh start.  As this week comes to a close, and the new one begins, I hope to keep track of what I eat, but to also get out each day.  I don't want to be a slug this summer.  I have to keep telling myself that my ultimate goal is to be in shape to hike in the Alps with Matt next summer, with a full backpack on my back.  First step - lose 10% of my weight.  I'm at 178 right now - so, 10% is about 18lbs.  That's a lot.  Ok, maybe a good first step would just be 5% - that's 9 lbs.  Somehow that seems more plausible.  Now, to plan on how to do that.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13

Ever since our anniversary last week, when I had a tremendous steak (yum)...I haven't been very hungry.  The steak, I think, did me in.  So, today I've hardly eaten anything - english muffin, toast, and some goulash for dinner.  I didn't keep track of my points today, but I suspect that I actually ate under my 25 points.  More tracking tomorrow.

Goal for tomorrow: not really sure...I think I'll sleep on it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12

Up at camp!  So far today, a small bowl of cereal and an english muffin with butter.  I'm definitely planning a strawberry something later! Yum yum.  Love the fresh strawberries! 

More later!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Weigh-In: 178

Oatmeal with brown sugar and oatmeal (5)
Blueberries (1)
Salad with dressing and chicken (4)
Bagel with cream cheese (6)
Cheerios with strawberries (5)
Cookies (4)
Total: 25

3.5 mile bike ride this morning

Goal for tomorrow: Not eat as much at night

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 - Day 2

Day 2:

Weight: 177lbs
Food Eaten:
1 cup of oatmeal with milk and brown sugar (3)
Salad with cucumber and dressing (2)
Rice Cake with peanut butter (2)
Homemade apple muffing (3)
2 cookies (3)
Goulash (5)
Watermelon (1)
2 pieces of toast with butter/cinnamon sugar (5)

Total Pts: 24 pts

Grocery Shopping...Yeah, not much today!

Goal for tomorrow: Really ...I need to get up and exercise in the morning for 45 minutes